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Are you in franchise territory?

Are you in franchise territory?

Once you begin expanding your business by using investors you must be careful that you’re not crossing the border into franchise territory. The definition of a franchise is an authorization by a company to a third party enabling them to carry out specified...
Is Your Unique Business Franchise-able?

Is Your Unique Business Franchise-able?

Unique, Proven, Repeatable Franchising offers you the opportunity to grow your unique brand, get your ideas out there to more people, and leave behind a legacy for future generations.  Not to mention, with franchisees buying into and growing your brand, you can expand...
Routes to expanding your business

Routes to expanding your business

Expanding your Business: With different available routes to expanding your business, you might be thinking, “which path should I take?”  Well, it depends on what you are expecting out of your growth, and how far you want to take your brand.  When it comes down to the...