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How to Franchise Your Business: Clearly Define Your Brand Culture

Apr 13, 2017

You may have intentionally created the culture of your brand or it may have evolved as you progressed.  Whatever the case, the culture of your brand needs to be solidified.  What are your values? What do you stand for?  What do you stand against?  What is the experience that you want ever customer to walk away with?  What is your Brand’s mission?

By aligning franchisees and employees to your brand’s mission, core values, vision and unique positioning in the market place, your customers will receive the consistent brand experience whether they are in Knoxville, TN or Reno, Nevada.

As John likes to say, “We are in the Cult business.  We create raving fans of your brand whether they are franchisees or customers.”

Clearly defining your Brand Culture is an important factor to becoming a successful franchisor.

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