Costs in Franchising Understanding the costs in franchising is an important step in evaluating the right path when selecting a franchise development team. There are many phases when it comes to franchise development and no two companies are the same. Some offer only...
How to Franchise Your Business: Begin by Passing the Baton
Since its inception, you have been involved in the day-to-day management and marketing of your business. It's your baby and we understand. Building a franchise system is no walk in the park. There are many hours involved meeting with your franchise consultant,...
How to Franchise Your Business: Trademark your Brand
The most important aspect of growing your business nationwide is trademarking your name. If you are currently operating a successful brand locally as opposed to nationally, other businesses may be able to establish themselves in a different area of the country using...
How to Franchise Your Business: Clearly Define Your Brand Culture
You may have intentionally created the culture of your brand or it may have evolved as you progressed. Whatever the case, the culture of your brand needs to be solidified. What are your values? What do you stand for? What do you stand against? What is the...
How to Franchise Your Business: Become Process Focused
Every business has processes and ways in which they provide services. But are those processes consistent with all your employees? Whether or not you decide to franchise your brand, your business would benefit greatly by becoming more process focused. As the founder...
Is Your Unique Business Franchise-able?
Unique, Proven, Repeatable Franchising offers you the opportunity to grow your unique brand, get your ideas out there to more people, and leave behind a legacy for future generations. Not to mention, with franchisees buying into and growing your brand, you can expand...
Routes to expanding your business
Expanding your Business: With different available routes to expanding your business, you might be thinking, “which path should I take?” Well, it depends on what you are expecting out of your growth, and how far you want to take your brand. When it comes down to the...
Living the Optimist Creed when managing franchisees
Glass Half Full Every franchisor should embrace the Optimist Creed and we believe that Christian A. Larson got it right: The Optimist Creed Promise Yourself ... To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to...